Macmillan Mighty HikeJohn Bright Fencing Team raised £6424.10 for Macmillan. Members of John Bright Fencing and Countryside store Ashley Raison, Ben Perry, Beth Bright, Bex Hedditch, Chris Bodycombe, Greg Emmett, John Bright, Josh Clarke, Matt Gosney, Nick Crabb, Nick (Rabbit) Spiller, Philip Page, Rob Tuck and Zara Laver raised £6,424.10 for Macmillan Cancer support. Completing the Jurassic Coast Mighty Hike 13 miles up and down along the coast path ending at Durdle Door. It was a tough walk for some of our team who are aged between 17 to 69 but walking as a team we got each other through with encouragement from our close-knit team.In April, our colleague, Ann Gurd, who has been working with us for nearly 20 years, was diagnosed with an endometrial stromal sarcoma – a rare and very aggressive tumour. We are a very close team here at John Bright’s, and we want to be here for Ann in her time of need. Zara came across an advert for the Macmillan Mighty Hike, and our team ‘Ann’s Army’ was very quick to form. Through Ann’s illness she is remaining very strong and will tell consultants and nurses ‘I have an army behind me’. So we are Ann’s Army supporting her all the way!We have since learnt that Macmillan are not just nursing and visiting at home, but they also sponsor specialist oncology nurses working in hospitals throughout the county. Apparently their support staff also give a good foot massage!We held a Coffee morning in September at countryside store and raised £665 for Weldmar hospice and added to its Macmillan fundraising with a charity raffle. It was a very busy event with loads of delicious cakes to be had.Thank you so much for supporting our fundraising efforts.SHARE NEXT ARTICLE