Corner Clipex posts

Written by Beth Bright

Clipex comes to town – Clipex fencing demonstration

Guaranteed for 30 years

The weather was bright, a great start for our Clipex fencing demonstration here at the country store on 13th February. Invited guests gathered to watch the light yet durable high tensile steel fencing easily erected within minutes, and were even more intrigued to discover it is guaranteed to last 30 years.

Clipex fence beginningLight & strong

Clipex fence post being hammered in. Clipex fencing demonstration.

Simple & speedy

Clipex fencing demonstration


Posts were no sooner unpacked than in the ground, while the fencing lay curled like a snake on the grass. Within moments, the steel lines were in place, taut and clipped into position. Child’s play. A brilliant barrier for livestock, Clipex fencing gives instant access when you need it – simply unclip and you’re in.

Corner Clipex posts…and connect                                         Clipex fencing clips

Easy does itClipex fencing after shot

Approved stockists

It was a really good day with a hog roast and cider to celebrate we are now approved Clipex stockists. Thanks to everyone who came along and asked so many interesting questions and gave us such positive feedback.

From farmers to smallholders, Clipex helps keep your livestock safe. Please get in touch to find out more.