Weldmar cheque presentation

Written by Beth Bright

Weldmar Hospicecare: we raised shedloads!

When we held our coffee morning back in July in aid of Weldmar Hospicecare and to support Jim and Carol Pitcher, we never dreamed we would raise almost a thousand pounds: £930 to be precise!

We officially presented the cheque to Naomi Dennett from Weldmar alongside Carol Pitcher, whose daughter Emma died from breast cancer aged 37. Carol and Jim will soon be trekking around Nepal in high altitude and basic conditions and volunteering at a hospice in Kathmandu. They are paying their own expenses and all donations will go to Weldmar. They hope to raise £7000.

Thank you to everyone who came to the coffee morning, drank copious cups of caffeine and tea (donated by Dorset Tea), eat cake and helped make a difference.

We wish Jim and Carol a successful trip and look forward to hearing more about their adventure when they’ve completed the trek.

Use the following link to find out more about Weldmar Hospicecare or to make a donation.

Weldmar cheque presentationLeft to right: Bridget Bright, Beth Bright, Carol Pitcher, Naomi Dennett.