Cockerel in a tree

Written by Beth Bright

Home sweet home for pets

Like it or not, autumn is just around the corner and it’s time to sort out the warmer bedding – for your pets as well as you.

Cat cuddling up to dog

We’ve got everything you need to keep the animals you love cosy and comfy in the coming months. Big or small, we can also help keep them snug and safe.

Rabbit royalty

two storey rabbit hutch

The furry one in your life will feel like a prince or princess in this rabbit hutch with its own run underneath. And it’s on special offer!

Poultry palace


Hentastic, this palace is easy to clean and the right size for your chuck to take a break from all that egg laying.

Dog dreamland

covered run for dog

This house and covered run  is spacious and secure whatever the weather.

Visit our country store and make autumn awesome.

See you soon