Happy Father's Day message on wooden board

Written by Beth Bright

Make his Father’s Day with a He Shed

It’s time to celebrate the man in your life. The one who loves you unconditionally even when you scratched his car, didn’t walk the dog and went way over the mobile data he was paying for: DAD.

Word salad about dad

He may dad dance. He probably drives you crazy sometimes (note to self, it’s mutual), his fashion sense is definitely not yours (note to self, it’s mutual…) and he talks about when you were little as if it were yesterday. But he loves you with all his heart and soul. It’s that simple.

To celebrate dads everywhere we have terrific offers on our Bewdley He Sheds. They’re all man cave friendly and ready for the World Cup, or to get away from the footie for a while. Come and see our Dorset sheds in store or bring your dad in for the big surprise.

Shed -15

Happy Father’s Day to Dads everywhere. You do a great job x