Christmas tree with lights

Written by Beth Bright

The real deal: your Christmas tree guide (and some Norwegian traditions)

Our freshly cut trees go on sale 1 December.  Here’s how to choose the best one for your home and keep it looking good right through till Twelfth Night.

Norway Spruce. Picea abies

Norway flag flying on flagpost

The traditional Christmas tree that’s as old as Santa Claus (almost). You’d recognise those straight, light green, stand to attention needles anywhere. Take a deep breath and suddenly you’re in a pine forest.

A few words from our Norwegian designer, Helen

“We call the Christmas tree “Juletre” and decorate it like here but also hang a string of Norwegian flags and thread red ribbons on gingerbread hearts. We stick cloves in an orange and hang it up,  taking a clove out every day like an old fashioned Advent calendar. “Juletrefest” is our Christmas tree dance where we go around the tree and sing Christmas songs.

Orange stuck with cloves beside cinnamon sticks wrapped in red ribbon               Gingerbread heart decorated with icing stripes

Every Norwegian will eat Christmas porridge – a sort of hot rice pudding – sprinkled with cinnamon, sugar and a dollop of butter. When the porridge is being made a whole almond goes in, and whoever gets it wins a marzipan pig. Yum!

Find out more traditions here and take a look at magical Røros, where it gets down to minus 30 degrees, which Helen knows only too well because her aunt lives there. Brr.

Norway Spruce tree with cones

Nordmann Fir. Abies nordmanniana

Russia flag flying on flagpost

Hailing from southern Russia with a hint of pine forest fragrance, this tree has become a firm favourite because it keeps its needles longer. They are also darker, more substantial and less prickly. Which all adds up, so while beautiful, this variety is more expensive.

Nordmann Fir branch

Tree TLC

snowmen decorations in scarves

Whether you want to keep it small this year or make a statement, our trees are freshly cut and locally grown. We can source special sizes to order. Snakkes snart!  (See you soon, Norway-style).